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New Senior Account Manager Brings Wealth of Knowledge to Science Students

Posted by Liberty AV Solutions on Feb 14, 2019 5:58:05 PM

Liberty AV Solutions - Electrictromagnetism - Account Manager - William Bill Georger

Electromagnetism and Experiments Made for a Great, Educational Presentation

Once a year, Liberty AV’s new East Coast Account Manager, William ‘Bill’ Georger visits his daughter, Ms. Georger, and her 6th grade science class to lead a lab experiment about electromagnetism.  An electrical engineer, Bill makes the entire experience for the students very educational, yet memorable. 

During the lab, the students used their knowledge of physics in real-world situations and several conducted experiments. 

In one experiment, a coil was set up to show how it attracted magnetic objects. Objects made of iron cobalt and nickel were used to show how magnetic poles repel or attract based on certain conditions. 

In another, students had a blast lighting a system of LED lights containing positive and negative charges. In order to light the system, students formed a “closed circuit” by holding hands.  Each student was amazed when the LEDs lit up!

Students holding hands during science lab

Students had a blast lighting a system of LED bulbs by holding hands in a circle.

Throughout the lab, each student was excited to see how powerful science is, how it plays a part in their everyday lives, and how it can lead to promising careers in the future.  

Bill commented, “It is very rewarding when the students just light up with questions.”  His daughter, Ms. Georger added, “I am honored that I have taken my passion of science to teach young adults the love of science as my father taught me.”

Bill Georger and his daughter, Ms. Georger

Bill Georger, with daughter and 6th grade science teacher, Ms. Georger

Picture of BIll GeorgerAbout William (Bill) Georger -

Already an employee of WESCO Distribution for three years, Bill worked for Satellite Engineering Group (SEG), one of the brands within our specialty group, as the Senior Account Manager/Northeast Sales. Before his time at WESCO, Bill worked at AT&T/Lucent Bell Laboratories as a member of the Technical Staff, as well as conducting Technical Sales at Commscope.

To reach out to Bill Georger, connect with him on LinkedIn or send him an email at

Topics: learning, Education