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Real Life On Screen: How Good Can HD Get?

Posted by Becky McWilliams, VP of Marketing on May 21, 2015 11:02:00 AM

High Definition (HD), Super HD and finally Ultra HD - they all exist. The question is where do we go from here? As viewing quality exponentially grows, are we heading towards a point where our eyes will stop discerning all these extra pixels?

Technology evolves at a rapid pace. With mobile devices becoming the first-screen, users are demanding higher definition, especially in terms of video quality. Driven by such demands, new gadgets like 4K tablet computers and iMac computers with a 5K Retina display are making high-resolution a reality for large and small screen environments.

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Topics: BYOD, video conferencing, mobile technology, Cloud Computing,, remote working, Ultra HD

Four Situations Where Wireless isn't Good Enough

Posted by Becky McWilliams, VP of Marketing on Apr 17, 2015 7:44:00 AM

Wireless technology transforms the way businesses operate. When enterprise mobility is a major issue with small and medium sized organizations, and flexibility of operations often impacts how the client perceives a business, the utility and relevance of wireless communication cannot be sidelined. However, all technology comes with its limitations. Nonetheless, there is a way to bypass them and find a better route to attain objectives. It is important to remember that though wireless networks play a significant role in enhancing productivity and encouraging collaboration, its limitations are best tackled by simply staying wired in certain situations. In this piece, we are going to take a closer look at four instances where a wired Internet connection will better serve our purpose. 

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Topics: wireless working, audio video quality, Mobile, dropped internet, hard wired internet, bandwidth, mobile technology