Traditionally, businesses have regarded audio and video as separate media and never imagined that they could be merged into a single network. Until now. AV over IP is no longer a fantasy. Any standard Ethernet network can be used as a conduit to transfer AV signals including: HV video, audio, control and peripheral signals.
While the technology to use AV over IP is available already, the question is whether or not businesses are ready to use it. Just a short time ago, if you had considered pushing AV over IP, you may have drawn a few worries from the IT department. Concerns about bandwidth, network crashes, and the effects that it would have on other business processes, like email, may have stopped you in your tracks. The big challenge no longer rests on the limits of technology, but rather on a business’ willingness to accept the big push that new technology gives us. If we are ready for that big push, then who knows where the technology might take us.